Managing Risk is a Team Sport


Urgency requires a disciplined and skilled response. You can have all the plans in the world, but you must have a go-to resource that can enable an actionable response when you need it most. Consider a few scenarios:

A  retailer with a facility in Mexico receives a photo of a kidnapped employee and a ransom note. Besides the threat to the employee, there are liability questions, ethical obligations and operational risks.

A manufacturer with a facility in China has a belligerent and abusive employee rumored to be associated with a dangerous criminal element. With little available support from local law enforcement or adequate internal resources, they needed feet on the ground and intelligence asap.

A manufacturer with operations throughout Latin America required transportation and travel protection of executives. This could not be a one-off. They knew they would need secure transport, investigative surveillance and centralized program management that could enlist a comprehensive network of vetted resources.

With the threats that were communicated by our Executive Summit Series faculty and thought leaders and the extension of this communication during OSAC week, it became evident that most companies will need a different way of managing their threat exposure around the world.

One of our summit partners, SocoSix Strategies, is well positioned to take advantage of this global condition.

“Our core focus is to ensure businesses continue functioning without disruptions despite the threats and risks out there,” says Steve Lisle, chief revenue officer, SocoSix. In line with this, the firm has developed a suite of customized security solutions and services to help organizations make cost-effective risk management decisions about their global travelers, physical assets, safety and security operations. “We combine highly skilled experts and proven protection practices with the latest technology and intelligence to provide a full spectrum of security services throughout the world,” said Lisle.

SocoSix’s offerings are structured around six core areas: protection services, risk management, investigations, technology and intelligence, managed services, and training. “Two of the six services gain maximum traction—protection services and managed services and our technology tools ties into that,” mentions Lisle. One of the major challenges experienced by enterprises globally is the scarcity of talent and reliable personnel, which often makes it cost prohibitive to hire the desired experts. This is where SocoSix’s Embedded EXPERTS Program helps organizations fill gaps in their security program with skilled experts—be it country managers and advisors or analysts for global security operations—that buy into the vision of their business. SocoSix is raising the bar for protection services, travel security, and crisis response across the globe by combining technology and refined processes with highly trained professionals.